Saturday, August 6, 2011


First post!! Yay! :D

Finally I decided to post something since I made this blog in 2008. I used to have a blog but I forgot the username and password haha so I just made a new one but never post anything. I know people are up to Tumblr nowadays but who cares I'm still with you, blogspot! (but maybe, I'll make a Tumblr too later, who knows huh? :p).
So first I have to introduce myself or something? Here we go..

You can just simply call me S
I am now 21 years old and (still) love to play, to write, read, listen to music, boring, boring, boring...Oh, I stalk people, I do bite, I LOVE photography (everybody does), taking photos or being in a photo, sarcastic is my middle name (or first? hm), I'm a professional daydreamer, a fulltime reader. I'm an autodidactic type of girl. I enjoy learning more when I'm not told what to learn. Too, way too in love with David Beckham.

There's some people who thinks I'm weird and frankly, I know and I do realized that I'm quite different with most of my friends, and seriously I like it that way. It's just me being ME, and if it's weird then so be it! :)

So, welcome readers! Enjoy my blog!

"I do not need anyone's permission to be my true self" - Jonathan Lockwood Huie

With love,

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