Saturday, October 1, 2011

Alone Is NOT Lonely

Since I've been doing an internship, I have no time on today, this Saturday, I decided to have an adventure. And, since I'm alone here, I did the adventure all by myself. I rent a motor bike and drove all the way. It's not like I never traveling alone before, in fact I really enjoy traveling alone. But I certainly never am traveling alone around Bali. I have NO IDEA about the route. I count my life on Google Maps.

On Friday, I have decided 4 destinations that I will visit today. Those are Sanur beach, Garuda Wisnu Kencana, Dreamland, and Discovery Mall (the last destination is made due to shopping thirst, lol). At every destination people keep asking me the same question, like, "Are you alone, miss?" or even worse, "Are you really alone miss? Nobody wants to accompany you? Don't you feel lonely?" Well NEWS FLASH, there's a fine line between being alone and being lonely. I'm alone, but not lonely. I enjoy traveling alone. It gives me adrenaline, courage, confident and I LOVE IT. But it's not possible for me to tell every single person about that so I leave them alone with their thoughts, I really don't care :)

Oh anyway cut the crap and like I always believe, picture speaks louder than words :)

First, Sanur Beach. I went there to enjoy sunrise but I got there lil bit late so the sun has already rise up :

Oh this is a funny sculpture I saw around Sanur

2nd destination, Garuda Wisnu Kencana :

3rd destination, Dreamland :

I just took few photos in Dreamland because my electronic devices; cell phones and camera, were running out of battery. Sigh, happens all the time. I didn't even take any photos at Discovery Mall *sigh*

So, if you never travel alone, I'd say : TRY IT SOMETIMES. You will suprise with what you're gonna get. At first you may be like little confuse, don't know what to do, where to go, or who to speak, but you'll find your own way. I dare you! :)

I hope you enjoy your weekend like I do.
