Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Being An Intern

Hello again,
I'm sorry for lack of updates, I've been busy with my internship report.

So, I'm back in town. I have had finished my internship on October 19th, and been busy with the report since. As I told you in my two previous posts, I did an internship at BALIFOKUS for one month, and I enjoyed it very much. I got the best work partner that I could ever ask for :P her name is Luh Putu Kusuma Ririen, she's the best. She's so kind, fun, youthful and has this unlimited knowledge, you can ask her everything hahaha, I feel so lucky to have her as my work partner. Okay, enough said about her. I’m going to tell you about my experience of being an intern.

For your information, I’m a type of person that not really good at communicate with new people, I feel more to scared to start this internship than feel excited like I SHOULD. So, on the first day I still feeling nervous and scared. I know I shouldn't but I couldn't help it. This is my first time to walk on a REAL job world. It scares the hell out of me. But I cannot stay like that for the rest of the month so I decided to be more relax. Thank God apparently I'm interning in the right company. I was so lucky be an intern at BALIFOKUS. You know the nightmare situation that interns can find themselves in is sitting at a desk in a large office, being referred to as “the intern” and not being introduced to anyone? I did not get that treatment. They introduced me formally to every staffs and they treated me as if I'm one of them, an employee. All of them were extremely welcoming and helpful, I'm feeling like I become one of a family member. I want to thank the entire staff in the BALIFOKUS for taking the time to share their expertise and knowledge for me. It was through these times that I felt I was able to learn about NGO things. And the staff was most responsive to my requests and always made me feel like a family. I have gained valuable things about NGO and development in the past one short month.

Because BALIFOKUS gave me the opportunity to work on a variety of projects, I had the chance to observe numerous aspects, the experience was more than I could have expected. This internship has definitely increased my interest in pursuing my future career in NGO.

me and BALIFOKUS staffs

I had a blast one month, fulfilled with numerous new experiences and knowledge, and working in a good company can add new experience on my CV/resume. I also am getting ready to enter the job market. I had a lot of fun, made new friends and the experience to be able to live in Bali for one whole month was a spectacular experience. I mean, new culture, even language, new places, beaches, temples, oh my oh my I LOVE BALI!! :) I have learnt a lot; about real job world, about life, about nature, about work ethics, about professionality, about friendship, about this, that, and everything else. This is not just an internship, this is such a life changing experience for me.

It's a new experience for me to be an intern for NGO and I’m ended up with a conclusion that it's not so easy being an intern. NOPE, it ain't that easy people! I mean, you have to try your best to get what you want and what you deserve. Whatever it is, it’s obviously good to think it through, and know what you are looking for. You are far more likely to get what you want if you define it in your own mind first and act accordingly. To be able to experience the difference between working and student life is a precious thing, I'm telling you. You have to gain it, not easily get it.

If you want to be an intern, take the effort to find a great company to do be intern in, and fight like a tiger to get in. And once you got in, bring out the best in you. Good luck.


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